Travel product review: jimmyCASE

If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you know I’m big on traveling light.  I like items that are versatile and compact and make my life easier.  That’s why I was excited when I was approached by jimmyCASE about reviewing one of their products.  I made the decision when I started blogging to only endorse products or services that I have personally used and find helpful.  I have been contacted by many companies wanting to advertise on this blog and my response is pretty simple: if I’ve used it and I like it, I’ll share with others!  jimmyCASE was confident I would like their product.  And they were right.

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On their website, the company says that this product makes travel easier because it provides organization, phone protection and security.  But the thing that had me most hooked (big shocker here) was the “less baggage.”  I have a heavy wallet that I typically carry around with every frequent shopper card imaginable, and I hate carrying that when I’m traveling.  I especially don’t like to have the wallet, plus my passport (which also has a wallet), my phone, all my travel documents, etc.  This makes things a lot easier.  I can put in my ID, credit cards and some cash in the handy wallet part, and I only have one item to carry.

The color choices are great, but I loved the natural look of the brown tweedy iPhone 6s wallet, which is an iPhone case with card holder.  I like that it goes with any purse (and yes, I mix black with brown on the regular, so I like it with black, too!)  The wooden back is very cool, and my style.

I recently used it on a road trip where we had a couple stops along the way.  Instead of having to carry around my bulky purse, I simply carried this and my rose salve in my coat pocket (which if anyone knows me, knows I don’t go anywhere without.)  I was able to comfortably fit my ID, two credit cards and a $20, which is perfect.  I can see why they recommend this for travel, and I can’t wait to use it on an actual flight in March.

Check out the jimmyCASE for yourself… I would recommend it!

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