Some beauty product recommendations, in my humble opinion

I recently watched Julie and Julia, and Julie Powell started a blog in 2002 and she would make entries daily about how her cooking project was going (trying to cook her way through Julia Child’s cookbook.)  This was when blogs were still new, and not every Tom, Dick and Harry had one.  So she would often say, “Hello?  Is anyone out there?”  Or “Is anyone actually reading this?”  Which can be sort of how writers actually feel.  Although, I receive feedback from people who say “I read on your blog…”  But it does seem at times to go into a black hole called the Internet.  However, I’m still plugging away over here!  I’m sure someone is reading this, even if it’s just you.  (Whoever you are.)

I was asked for some travel-related product recommendations, so I thought I would start with beauty products. (Sorry guys.)  These are some of the products that I find helpful and why I find them useful.

1. GoTubbs.  These containers are more expensive than some of the other ones you can buy, but they work amazingly well.  I use these for conditioner and any hair product that takes up too much space.  I also use them for foundation, because foundation containers tend to be made of glass and are very heavy.  Mine is also square which means it fits weirdly into my toiletries bag.  These are better because they also can stack.

2. Coconut Wipes.  These wipes are wonderful to have with you if you’re going to be traveling by plane or if you’re going camping.  They clean and moisturize and smell delicious.  If you’re away from home and not able to do your normal face cleansing procedure, this is a great alternative.
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3. Toiletry bag with removable quart-sized bag.  I bought my toiletry bag at Target three years ago and have had a hard time finding others like it to recommend.  Mine has a clear, removable quart-sized bag which makes going through TSA so much easier.  I found this bag, which has a zipper-removable bag. Although it is pricey, this is the idea for what you’re looking for.

4.  Birchbox.  I think a Birchbox subscription is the perfect way to load up on travel-sized toiletries.  Each month, they usually let you select at least one item from a list of five items or a specialty box.  This means that if you know you’re out of mascara or shampoo, you can personalize your box for one of those items.  It’s only $10 a month and I think it’s worth it for the loot.

5.  Coconut Oil.  This is something that is becoming more part of my routine, but there are many uses for it.  There is a great article here about oil vs. lotion for traveling, and I think there are some great points made, such as a little oil goes a lot longer than lotion.  

What about you?  What are your favorite travel beauty products?

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