Ohio musings

Ohio musings

Fall in Ohio is beautiful.  The changing leaves, the crisp air, the pumpkin festivals, the bon fires… it’s a beautiful time.  I’ve been insanely busy with life right now, so a few day trips to some places in Ohio to enjoy the season has been a much-needed refresher!

I thought I’d share just a few new places I’ve visited around Ohio, for those who are curious and looking for a way to spend what’s left of fall.  You know… before we start stuffing our faces with turkey and cookies, and getting to work on our indoor sewing projects in the dead freezing hours of winter.

The Ohio Statehouse.  It’s free to visit, they offer a museum and guided tours.  The tour lasted about an hour, and it allows you to view the Senate chambers, which is really cool.  I had no idea that this building had an 120 foot rotunda. Fun fact, President Lincoln’s body was actually held in here for a state funeral.  His body traveled from DC to Springfield where he was finally buried, and 12 cities hosted state funerals for him while he was on his journey.  Of course, this is just one of many interesting facts you’ll learn on the tour.

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Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park.  I’ve been wanting to go here for a long time to see the buffalo, and finally some friends wanted to go with so we made a day trip out of it.  There are some great trails and a fantastic nature center that lets you play with some little friends: turtles.

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Buzzard’s Roost Nature Preserve.   I just sat through a staff workshop called “Favorite Hikes in Ohio”, and I got some great ideas for new places to go that I’d never heard of.  This place was one of them.  It’s located in Chillicothe (not to be confused with Buzzardsroost Rock, which is near Portsmouth, Ohio.)  We had this place entirely to ourselves, and there were some steep hills to climb, but gorgeous views!  It looked like we were in West Virginia, but we were only 1.5 hours from Columbus.  Plus, on the way back to Columbus, we could stop by the famous Circleville Pumpkin Festival.  For all my time in Ohio, this is the first time I’ve gone to the festival!

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Scioto Mile.  I’ve been downtown hundreds of times, but I’ve never walked all the way down by the Scioto River.  There are a lot of great views, plus some interesting little things to find like a giant gavel.  This is definitely a beautiful place to go for an evening stroll, and I would say at any time of the year because of the bright city lights.
Whether you’re from Ohio or not, be sure to make a few day trips and enjoy the many sites in your area.  It sure is a welcome break when you’re really busy!

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